Recently I have noticed the changes
occurring for my 11-year-old son, his irritability seems high, patience low and
his moods all over the place. This often results in him becoming angry with his
9 year old brother who remains in a very innocent child state, one that my 11
year old was privy to until three or four months ago.
I know what it means and it involves both
excitement and fear for me as a parent much as it involves equal curses and
blessings for him.
Watching his struggle (its clear for anyone
who fancies bobbing round on an early morning to mine after he has been
forcibly prized from his bed to see) brings me to reflect on how enormously
important it is for young people to feel that they are neither alone nor judged
during this tough transition.
I genuinely remember as I am sure many of
you will relate to those intense feelings as a pre teenager where I suddenly
realized what a huge responsibility life could be.
I would lie on my bed thinking about the
possibilities that lay ahead (at some point these would usually eventuate in me
owning a castle) and I would undergo a plethora of emotions, like a roller
coaster of highs and lows that could both intoxicate and terrify me.
I didn’t know what these feelings were or
where they’d arrived from, nor did I know how to control them, all I understood
was they consumed me.
I was a child of the 70’s, parenting was
traditional and my mother and father would both acknowledge today that we
didn’t necessarily spend a great deal of time talking about our feelings, we
were a typical working class bunch and this meant that dad worked long hours
and mum stayed at home. Moreover back in the day my Mum found emotional
tactility relatively difficult so I would during periods of difficulty withdraw
as opposed to connect from her.
This resulted is me becoming what I suppose
could be considered a difficult teenager (I wont start on that story as you all
have lives and it will take several months to note) and this is why my current
situation with my eldest son is playing on my mind so much.
I wonder how different this phase would
have been for me should someone have actually sat me down and talked me through
what was happening to my body, brain and emotions alike? What would it have
felt like to know that someone had my back so to say and during periods of
turmoil to have been able to ask for a hug and a cup of tea?
My parents were always on my side and would
have helped me if I had known that and further known how to ask…..but I didn’t.
And that’s my point really, how often do we
teach our children how to ask for their needs to be met? So often we find
ourselves instead reacting to their tantrums and mishaps, or explaining why
they have to do everything the way we want them to.
I have worked constantly for 16 years with
some of the most deprived young people, emotionally, educationally,
parentally and socio economically and
ALWAYS it is their feelings of abandonment and aspirational poverty that has
affected their development most.
What would have been the difference if
early on and throughout their young and adolescent years someone had been there
for them to guide them through the emotionally murky waters of life?
This is why its so important that educators
recognize to take that extra moment with that struggling child, and when that
child becomes an angry teenager they are cared for by their teachers I spite of
their ‘attitudes’ because that anger stems from feeling that they have no one
on their side.
So back to me and my boy and of course what
I am trying to get across to anyone who has, is going to have, or is related to
any close to puberty kid. Your job is to become an active and obvious guide. I
say obvious because believe me with prepubescent and pubescent kids you need to
I am asking you to let them know that you
are their wingmen, that you understand fully how it feels, that you can offer
comfort in the confusion and understanding in the moments of great emotional
anguish and self questioning.
Instead of using anger to react to their
moods or allowing them to isolate themselves in their bedrooms I am calling on
you to instead bring them further into the belongingness and connectedness of
the family.
Hug them tighter, more often and in spite
of their protests and remind them each and every day that they are wonderful
and that you love them.
This is what I am learning to do with my
own child, imperfect as I am and at times as confused as he is, together we can
get through it and hopefully get through to adulthood with one thing that we
are completely sure of; the love we have between us.
I wish this had been my experience, it
would I believe have saved me a great many mistakes including some truly
horrendous hair colours and painful piercings.
I am sure there will be moments where I mess
up and use the immediacy of anger to deal with certain scenarios, but right now
I reckon its 85% communication to 15% reaction and that I hope will see us
Really thoughtful and thought provoking piece. I like the part at the end where you talk about the balance of communication and reaction